Welcome to the Quick Calculator for marketplaces

This is the download page. You can download the latest version.

Please be aware if you download an Alpha or Beta version, then expect it to not always do as you would expect. Also, make sure you report issues ASAP (That is what a tester must do).

The current version is the version that most people should be downloading.

I will endeavour to put up a road map as well at some point.

You will need to accept the terms and conditions of the software in order to use it. If, after you read the terms and conditions, you do not agree with them, then please discontinue use and delete the file.

This software is FREE of charge, but not free for dissemination, copying, reverse engineering, decompiling nor use in your project without prior consent. If you want to make your own, crack on, but don't use my code.

Links to this page only, please. Do not download and host it yourself. (That's what bad guys do when they want you to download a virus). Always download software from known good sources, such as the publisher's website.

Current Version for General Release - Download the Latest Version

These are the current versions. You can freely download these copies, but by doing so you agree to the terms and conditions. They are free to download for your use, commercial and private. However, do not share it on, nor add it to your downloads. You may link to our download page.

  • Version 2.0 - Coming Soon
  • Version 1.0 - Retired - Not Supported - Manual Upgrade Required to later version.

Beta Version - Almost there, but not yet ready. Only download if told to

These versions are not yet finished, but are nearly there. We recommend that everyone, who has not been told to download a Beta Version, should download the latest current version above.

Alpha versions - Not Ready for use. Only download if told to.

These downloads may require specific instructions or only using certain parts. Most people should only download the current version, as this is ready for use.

  • Version 2.0 - Alpha - Upgraded to Beta
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