CritchCorp Computers Ltd
132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street
M4 6DE
(Official Correspondence only)

Work From Home

Remote Working

Get your company setup for working from home. We have set up many clients over the years to work remotely. We now offer our own home working solutions, so if you are experiencing issues with one of the big cloud providers or you are (rightly so) worried about the security of the big providers then we may be able to help.

With our Work from home package you can get your employees setup to work form home in no time. We have everyhting you need to get home working off the ground and intergrate it in to your business on a permanent basis. Even if after the pandemic is over you intend to go back to working in the office, our solution will provide you with the ability to have home workers and disater recovery incase something like a pandemic or office disaster happens again.

We have ready-made packages to help you get going quickly. Pick the one that suits your needs or contact us to get a customised solution.

Every package comes with at least:

  • Email Access (OWA)
  • Private File Access
  • Shared File Access to collaborate with colleauges or clietns/suppliers
  • SharePoint Foundation Server
  • Corporate Level Password Manager

We can help get your email and files transferred to the cloud so that you and your employees can continue working from home, most of this we can do remotely so you don’t have to risk having someone on-site at this time. All files are stored in line with the GDPR.

Pick a ready-made solution below to get going quickly. You can also claim 2 hours FREE remote support to help get you and your staff setup.

  • Basic

  • £3.5/User/Month +vat

  • Outlook Web Access (OWA)
  • ActiveSync mobile access
  • Outlook Access
  • 2GB
    Email Account size
  • Policy based Email Encryption
  • Public Folders
  • Spam and Virus filtering
  • Spam Email Report & Control
  • Remote Device Wipe
  • 1GB Share Point Foundation Server
  • 2GB
    ShareSync Cloud Files
  • ConnectID Corporate Password Manager
  • 500MB
    PST File Backup
  • Archiving and e-Discovery
  • Microsoft Outlook License (PC/Mac)
  • Skype for Business
  • Skype for Business Enterprise
  • 3rd Party Achiving
  • Basic PLUS

  • £5/User/Month +vat

  • Outlook Web Access (OWA)
  • ActiveSync mobile access
  • Outlook Access
  • Unlimited
    Email Account size
  • Policy based Email Encryption
  • 1 FREE
    Public Folders
  • Spam and Virus filtering
  • Spam Email Report & Control
  • Remote Device Wipe
  • 1GB Share Point Foundation Server
  • 2GB
    ShareSync Cloud Files
  • ConnectID Corporate Password Manager
  • 500MB
    PST File Backup
  • Archiving and e-Discovery
  • Microsoft Outlook License (PC/Mac)
  • Skype for Business
  • Skype for Business Enterprise
  • 3rd Party Achiving
  • Team Work

  • £9.5/User/Month +vat

  • Outlook Web Access (OWA)
  • ActiveSync mobile access
  • Outlook Access
  • Unlimited
    Email Account size
  • Policy based Email Encryption
  • 5 FREE
    Public Folders
  • Spam and Virus filtering
  • Spam Email Report & Control
  • Remote Device Wipe
  • 1GB Share Point Foundation Server
  • 10GB
    ShareSync Cloud Files
  • ConnectID Corporate Password Manager
  • 2GB
    PST File Backup
  • Archiving and e-Discovery
  • Microsoft Outlook License (PC/Mac)
  • Skype for Business
  • Skype for Business Enterprise
  • 3rd Party Achiving
  • High Security

  • £15/User/Month +vat

  • Outlook Web Access (OWA)
  • ActiveSync mobile access
  • Outlook Access
  • Unlimited
    Email Account size
  • Policy based Email Encryption
  • 5 FREE
    Public Folders
  • Spam and Virus filtering
  • Spam Email Report & Control
  • Remote Device Wipe
  • 1GB Share Point Foundation Server
  • 2GB
    ShareSync Cloud Files
  • ConnectID Corporate Password Manager
  • 500MB
    PST File Backup
  • Archiving and e-Discovery
  • Microsoft Outlook License (PC/Mac)
  • Skype for Business
  • Skype for Business Enterprise
  • 3rd Party Achiving

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© CritchCorp Computers Ltd, 2006 - 2024

"CritchCorp Retail" and "CritchCorp Retail and Wholesale" are trading names of CritchCorp Computers Ltd.
CritchCorp Smart™ is a trademark of CritchCorp Computers Ltd.
All rights reserved.
CritchCorp Computers Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales. Company number 05928822. Registered Office: 132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street, Manchester, M4 6DE. (Legal correspondence only)