CritchCorp Computers Ltd
132 - 134 Great Ancoats Street
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Microsoft admits hacked

Microsoft admits hacked

15 April, 2019
  Microsoft has admitted that its platform was hacked. Users of its email system are affected. That includes, MSN and Hotmail email accounts. A support agent had their credentials compromised by hackers. The hackers had full access to…

About Mat Honan’s Epic Hacking

27 August, 2012
I am sure that you have all heard about Mat Honan’s very bad weekend by now, But just in-case you have not, here is an overview of what happened. There is a very good podcast that you can listen to…

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Fraudulent Phone Calls

CritchCorp . 16 December, 2011
I have previously written in an email about this issue but it is still going on all round the world…

Stories of woe from the Fraudulent phone calls

CritchCorp . 23 December, 2011
There are many cases on the Internet about the problem with fraudulent phone calls from people pretending to be from…


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